Jul 21, 2015 | Business, Employee, Employment, hiring, Image, Interviewing, Uncategorized
Too many Job Seekers want a new job as they feel underpaid, under valued and generally unhappy with their current employment earnings. The easy option for them is to look for a new job, but unfortunately these job seekers generally end up moving company for the wrong...
Feb 11, 2015 | Australia, Employment, Featured, Uncategorized
What exactly do you think you are worth? Or in other words, what is your ‘Employment Value’? No, not what salary should you expect to be paid, but what specific value can you offer a potential employer? Are you considering your future career? perhaps even looking for...
Apr 2, 2013 | Australia, Employee, Employment, Featured, hiring, Job Growth
It s pretty fair to say that the Global Financial Crisis and the hangover of the GFC we have endured for the last eternity, has greatly affected global economies. This in turn has affected the hiring strategies of employers worldwide, with a variety of economies and...