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© 2022, Paul Simms, – Wright Executive. www.wrightexecutive.com.au

Paul Simms is an executive search recruiter with 25+ years of experience across the Australian and UK markets. He is the founder of Wright Executive Search, a specialist business within the Executive Search & Accounting Recruitment sector, and is considered one of Australia’s most respected Executive Search Firms.

If you would like to contact Paul, please email psimms@wrightexecutive.com.au or connect via LinkedIn here

Hi, guys. Paul Simms from Wright Executive here. I’m often asked by job seekers and candidates who are considering changing jobs, what their true market worth is and if they should push for a pay raise, but my simple answer to that question generally is, “Have you spoken to your boss about this question or concern and why do you feel you deserve an increase in salary?” The important thing when considering a change in career or jobs is to ask yourself what are your true motivations for looking for a new role?

The most important things you can consider in this situation are

Number one, the job itself. Day to day, what will you be doing? What will you be getting out of bed for each morning to go to work? And the task that you will deliver, it must be something that you enjoy.
Number two, the company you work for. You know, it needs to be a company you can be proud to work for, that you can talk to your family, your friends, your colleagues, your neighbours. Everybody you know would be proud to work for that business. It doesn’t need to be the biggest company in the world or the smallest, but somewhere you can be proud to enjoy going to on a day to day basis.
Number three, the people you work with. This is highly important. Your managers, your peers, your subordinates. They all need to be people that you can enjoy spending time with, working with, and collaborating with. If not, then, you know, your daily job might become challenging.
And fourthly is money. Money is a great motivator, but it should never be the number one motivator. All the above three points need to come first.

Get the job right, get the company right, and work with the right people and you’ll rise to the top and you’ll do very well, and salaries and increments will happen in due course.

I hope that’s been useful information. For more information and further blogs/vlogs, please look at my website at www.wrightexecutive.com.au or feel free to contact me at Wright Executive.

Many thanks. Goodbye.